Transitional Justice Mechanisms in Conflict and Post-Conflict Scenarios
Panel Discussion
Hosted and Chaired by Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers
When: Monday 22 October 18:00 – 19:30
Where: The Bloomsbury Building, 10 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SL
We have not seen such a state of Global insecurity and instability since the end of the Second World War.
As the countless victims of historical and ongoing atrocities and mass human rights violations in Central America, the Middle-East and South-East Asia continue to seek justice, the very notion of justice and the way in which it is achieved has been forced to change.
For a host of reasons we can no longer rely on a traditional ‘Court’ to deal with victims complaints, them having been investigated the police or other relevant agency.
We as lawyers, as activists, and as human rights defenders, must therefore look to what has previously perhaps been seen as the non-conventional as becoming the new norm in the pursuit of justice.
Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers invites you to join a Panel Discussion where we will consider mechanisms that have been used previously, and how such mechanisms may develop in the future.
Panel Members:
Toby Cadman
Almudena Bernabeu
Her Honour Judge Joanna Korner QC
Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp
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